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Budgeting on a Teacher's Salary

17 May - Posted at 21:59h in Financial Planning

As a teacher, you know that managing your finances can be difficult on a less than ideal income. Creating a budget and sticking to it is a great way to minimize some of your financial stress and make your life a little bit easier. Read on to learn more about budgeting on a teacher's salary.

Basic Budgeting

Everyone's salary is different, and everyone's priorities are different when it comes to spending. Here are some things just about everyone should be factoring into their budget, regardless of income:

  • Housing
  • Groceries
  • Utilities
  • Savings
  • Retirement
  • Transportation (gas, car insurance, car payments, maintenance)
  • Medical/Healthcare payments
  • Personal spending (clothes shopping, miscellaneous spending)
  • Debt payments (student loans, credit cards)
  • Recreational spending (going out to eat, going to the movies)

The amount you put towards each of these items will depend on your income and your spending priorities. List all your current expenses in as much detail as possible. Then, create a budget based on your needs and preferences.

For example, you may be willing to sacrifice personal spending money and recreational spending money in order to pay down loans faster. Or, you might not have a car, which reduces your transportation budget so that you can allocate more money toward savings or other expenses.

Once you have decided on appropriate amounts for all of these categories, sticking to your budget will help give you financial peace of mind. One of the main goals of budgeting and financial planning is eliminating all unnecessary spending so you can put more money towards achieving financial freedom.

More Budgeting Tips for Teachers

In addition to monitoring your spending closely, there are a few other things you can do to ensure successful budgeting each month.

Avoid credit card debt as much as you possibly can. With a limited income, paying down high interest debt can be incredibly difficult. Paying interest on top of all of the other necessities can lead to extreme stress and financial struggle in severe cases.

Car loans can be a painful, soul stealing trap at times. Car loan payments in the U.S. average between $450-$500 per month, and many individuals living on a teacher's salary are unable to make that large of a payment each month on top of all other living expenses. If possible, try to save up and buy cars with cash to keep yourself out of a car loan.

If you are married and your household has dual income, make the most out of the second income. Learn to keep your essentials within the budget of one income, so that the second income can be used as a cushion to give you and your partner greater financial freedom and peace of mind.

Get Financial Help From a Professional

Smart budgeting is key when it comes to saving money on a teacher's salary. At Appreciation Financial, we thrive on helping our hard working teachers and public servants conquer their financial obstacles. For more money saving tips for teachers, speak with one of our financial agents about setting up a budget plan.